Why I Say "Clean...er" Life Rather Than "Clean" Life

clean...er life Feb 28, 2024
cleaner life

If you've been around my little world for a little bit, you may have seen me say "clean...er" life or environment or home, etc. If I were you, I'd be wondering why I didn't just say "clean." Let me take a minute to explain my philosophy behind that!

There is no such thing as a clean environment or a non-toxic life.

We could never completely eliminate all toxins in our environment. Unfortunately, they are everywhere, and many of them are out of our control. Which is why WE need to take control of the ones we DO have control over.

Our bodies were designed to be able to handle some toxins. It eliminates them through our detox pathways.

But when we overburden our bodies with constant toxin exposure all day long, it says, "enough!" And that is when symptoms and disease set in.

So our goal should be to reduce toxins as much as we are able to.

Each cleaner product we choose reduces the burden on our body. Each product, one at a time, is a win! And your body will thank you by feeling better with less symptoms!

So your goal shouldn't be a "clean" life. Rather, your goal should be a "clean...er" life.

Don't set an unrealistic goal for yourself! Take the thought of perfection out of the equation. Set a truly attainable goal so you can actually achieve it and celebrate your win!!

Each cleaner product is a step in your clean...er, healthier life journey. And each deserves celebrating!

Don't let perfection and the idea of a "clean" life stop you from getting started! Each swap you make is a step in the right direction, and each will reduce your toxic load, resulting in better health, which leads to feeling great in your body!

Wondering how to get started? 

Check out this blog post where I tell you my first three simple, affordable swaps when I started my clean...er, healthier journey 6 years ago! Click here to read the post!

And if you're curious about your family's toxic burden, take the FREE Toxin Tracker Quiz to find out if the products you use and consume could be making you sick. You can click here or find the link to the right or below (depending on what type of device you're on!).

Whether you choose one of those three things to start with or something totally different, I'd love to hear what your first swap will be! Use the form below to reach out and tell me so I can cheer you on and celebrate your first...of many...wins!


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