Three Things I Do Every Day To Help Regulate My Nervous System

healthier living Mar 17, 2024
Protein breakfast, yoga, journaling

I'm sure you've heard all the fuss lately about the importance of having a regulated nervous system. 

And it's all true! If our nervous system is dysregulated, we find our body in a constant state of stress or fight-or-flight mode, which is NOT good for our overall health, physical or mental. 

We're wives, moms, career women, daughters, sisters, friends - and the list goes on. Fulfilling all of those roles can be exhausting for a girl!

  • Do you feel like you're constantly at the end of your rope?

  • Do you feel like you snap at everyone who tries to talk to you?

  • Do you just wish you could crawl in bed and the rest of the world would go away?

  • Do you suffer from brain fog and difficulty concentrating?

  • Do you struggle with anxiety and/or depression?

  • Do you need a caffeine or sugar boost to get you through the afternoon?

  • Do you feel exhausted and like you can't add one more thing to your plate?

If you answered yes to any of those, you are likely experiencing burn out. AND IT IS REAL! I've been there and I know how it feels to deal with ALL of those things listed above.

But...after a few years of working at it, I learned ways I could help regulate my nervous system and prevent myself from getting to the burnt out point.

Today I'm sharing three of the things I do on a daily basis to help prevent burn out and, in turn, keep my nervous system regulated.


This isn't all I do, but it is a good start for someone who is ready to take the bull by the horns and start getting their life back so they can thrive and feel great in their body again.

They don't take a lot of time or money or planning. They're simple things you can easily implement one at a time until they become habit for you.

So let's dive into them!!

I usually aim for a minimum of 20-30 grams for each meal. This is particularly important for women, and believe it or not, will actually aid in shedding those inches around your waist if that is a goal you are currently working on! Protein consumption boosts your metabolism and also helps to build and maintain muscle mass, which is crucial as we are aging.

Most days I try to get in at least 30 minutes; however, there are days where that just isn't possible, but I always strive for at least 15 minutes to get in some good stretching and get the blood flowing and muscles moving optimally.

Going to bed with a clear mind helps you to fall asleep quicker and stay asleep longer because you don't have a brain that is constantly thinking and worrying. Especially if you have a long list of things to get done the next day - it helps to get them all written down the night before so you know you've got your list that you can refer to and don't need to worry about forgetting something. Give this a try for a week and see how it helps your sleep!


Like I said, these three things aren't all I do to alleviate burn out, but they're a good starting point. Which one will you begin implementing first?? Choose one and continue with it until it becomes habit for you and then add in a second. Over time, you'll notice a huge difference in how you feel, both physically and mentally!


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